Uncover the mysteries of Surtshellir, Iceland’s lava cave linked to Viking outlaws and pagan rituals, with ties to Norse mythology and the fire giant Surtr.
Kimberly Lin

Kimberly Lin
Kimberly is a writer and the content manager for Historic Mysteries. If she's not plunging down the SEO rabbit hole, she's visiting some ancient site in Italy, where she currently lives in the middle of an active caldera. Kimberly will continue to venture around the world and write about the history she encounters. Read More
Mono Lake, California is a mysterious alien world dominated by strange limestone formations, volcanic eruptions, and harsh alkali water.
Lake Avernus was once steeped in Greek mythology that transformed the lake into a place of gods and oracles connected with Hades.
Kinbane Castle (b.1547) is a reminder of Northern Ireland’s turbulent history and time when the powerful Scottish MacDonnell clan ruled the Glens of Antrim.
New research and satellite imagery may have found the location of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in the ancient Assyrian city of Ninevah.
Unexplained Mysteries
Hundreds of Skeletons at Roopkund Lake of the Himalayas
by Kimberly Linby Kimberly LinScience is now beginning to tell us who and why hundreds of Roopkund Lake skeletons lay scattered in the Himalayas.
The Samnites built up Pietrabbondante with temples, a theater, and cult structures. After the Romans conquered them, they abandoned the sanctuary for good.
A monumental discovery of a painted tomb, T.9890, in Pontecagnano, Italy, occurred in 2017. It contained three bodies and dates to the third century BCE.
Cahokia Mounds: The Largest Ancient City in North America
by Kimberly Linby Kimberly LinCahokia Mounds are the remains of the largest North American city which included 120 earthen mounds built by Mississippians between 800-1200 CE in Illinois.
People of Centralia, PA, knew the coal fire was moving when service station gas tanks began heating up and a 12-year-old fell in a sinkhole.
Villages and Tombs Under a U.S. Military Base in Gricignano, Campania
by Kimberly Linby Kimberly LinDiscoveries in Gricignano d’Aversa, Italy, reveal ancient villages, burials, abandonment, and rich cultural diversity of the Campania region.
The Terracotta Soldiers are a beautiful example of realism in sculpture and were never made before in ancient China. So how were they made?
The Salman Rushdie fatwa – a death threat – was issued for “blasphemy” by the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1989 in response to Rushdie’s book “The Satanic Verses.”
Oxyrhynchus Papyri: Historical Treasure in Ancient Egyptian Garbage
by Kimberly Linby Kimberly LinDiscovered in the Fayum Basin, the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, are the most significant deposit of ancient writings ever found.
In 1974, archaeologists discovered over 8,000 terracotta army figurines buried in Shaanxi, China. Each warrior contains amazing details.