Local businessman Robert Ridge discovered the Roswell Rock while out deer hunting on the afternoon of September 4, 2004. Little did he realize that he made a discovery that has come under scrutiny and fierce debate even to this day. A small, brown rock lay partially covered in dirt in the sands of the desert. Only after venturing to pick it up did he notice an embossed design on one face of it.

Strange Magnetic Properties
Ridge noted that the rock had a strong magnetic field that emanated from somewhere within it. When coming into magnetic contact, the rock slowly revolved in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction, depending on which pole was being manipulated. The rock was also somehow able to remain in physical contact with one’s hand when that hand was being held in a vertical orientation.

Similar Design to a 1996 Liddington Castle Crop Circle
The most eye-catching feature of the rock is the design itself; similar to a crop circle found in Swindon, England about a decade before the rock’s discovery. A pilot and his passenger discovered the crop circle as they flew over the field twice within half an hour. The first time they passed there was nothing but a standard field of corn. When they returned, the circle had formed. Crop circle investigators carried out extensive studies of the circle and eventually came to the conclusion it was not only a genuine example but a near-perfect formation. A comparison of the rock and the circle indicate they are both designed to scale with one another. One perfectly overlays the other.

Is it an Elaborate Hoax?
Skeptics of the Roswell Rock say that it is either some elaborate hoax or some kind of anomaly that has somehow managed to beat the million-to-one odds of becoming sensitized to magnetism. According to conventional wisdom, the best way to fabricate the rock would be sandblasting an existing stone using a stencil designed placed upon the top of it. While such an endeavor would create an external design, testing of this hypothesis produced an example of lesser quality than that of the rock. With enough time and dedication, it is surely possible to create a definitive example, but then why leave it out in the middle of nowhere and hope it would be found?
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Analysis of the Roswell Rock
The rock is 1.5 inches thick and 2 inches wide. The rock is triangular in shape and the design protrudes above the surface of the rock. Studies of the stone determined the rock itself is not native to Cedar Hill where it was found. In this particular region, limestone is the predominant rock. Further studies also determined the rock is of considerable age, completely solid with no internal cavities where a small magnet could be inserted. The beveling on the design is microscopically clear and defined, which suggests some advanced laser cutting tool carved it. Sandblasting alone would not be able to achieve the same results.
If this rock is as ancient as believed, how long had it been here? Where did it originate and did it have something to do with the alleged Roswell UFO crash just after the war? Could extra-terrestrial visitors have deposited it here eons ago and came to retrieve it one stormy day in 1947? If so, was the crop circle in England a further attempt to locate the rock? Will they make another attempt? Is the rock some sort of key?
Or maybe someone is trying to tell us something different.