The concept of time traveling is considered to be a highly fascinating subject for most people. The possibility of moving back and forth in times can give rise to a host of possibilities that cannot be comprehended in the true sense.
However, the mystery is likely to get further magnified if someone claims to witness a major historical event by going back in time with the help of a time travel machine.
This is exactly what happened when an article was published that claimed that the actual crucifixion of Jesus Christ was captured. The machine used to travel back in time was called the “Chronovisor”.
What was the story behind the bizarre and momentous claim. Had the Vatican really got their hands on documentary footage of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?
Marcello Pellegrino Ernetti
The story starts with Marcello Pellegrino Ernetti, a highly respected Roman Catholic priest born in the year 1925 who had dedicated his life to Christianity from a young age. With the passage of time, he gained a steady stream of followers and disciples who considered him to be a source of inspiration.

In his life, a number of events took place that placed him in the limelight. For a start, he was known as one of the most prolific exorcists from Venice. He was also an expert in the Gregorian Chants.
He is considered to be one of the most talented individuals who chose Christianity as the ultimate path to lead his life. He was famous as a musical as well as a biblical scholar.
Apart from this, Father Ernetti was also known as a well-known scientist of the era. He had written a book titled The Likes and Dislikes of the Devil, which gives a glimpse into the experiences that he had while serving as an exorcist.
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However, alongside his respected and learned expertise Ernetti had some odd claims to make. For a start he announced that he was a part of a team that had succeeded in inventing a time travel machine known as a Chronovisor.
Furthermore, he went on to state that he had witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The claim sounded outlandish to many since time traveling was, and still is, a concept that has not yet been developed by mankind.
However, to support his claim, a photo was published showing Jesus on the cross. According to the claim, the image had been captured with the help of the Chronovisor.
The news about the time travel machine spread like wildfire. Soon many started believing that the Vatican had possession of a mysterious and powerful device that allowed people to not only go back in time but also film and witness the things that were taking place in real-time.
After Father Ernetti made a claim about the Chronovisor and presented the image of Jesus being crucified, the topic invited immense controversy and debate. In the theological universe as well as the academic universe, several discussions took place to get to the depth of the matter.
When challenged to provide support for his claim regarding the invention of the Chronovisor, he also stated that he had used the magical device to view the lost Greek play titled Thyestes. This was not the convincing proof that everyone had hoped for.
The people who believed Father Ernetti’s claims thought that the time-traveling device could be misused by people with malicious intent, and thus, it must remain hidden at all costs. Even today, the Chronovisor remains a deep secret, allegedly shuttered away at the Vatican.
What is Known about the Chronovisor?
Assuming for a minute that all this is true, what information has been released about this miraculous machine? The Chronovisor is believed to be one of the best-kept secrets in the Vatican archives.
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Based on the claims made by Father Ernetti, it is the one and only mysterious time-traveling machine that enables people to travel back in time and witness past events. It was considered to be a unique and powerful device that gave users the capability to see through time. It had been claimed that the time travel device was developed by a dedicated team of scientists from Italy.
While some believe that the Chronovisor truly existed, others consider it to be nothing less than a hoax. Another Catholic priest named Father Brune, who came to know about the existence of the time travel machine in the 1960s, was a sincere believer in the device.

The image of Jesus that Father Ernetti had shown to support his claims further added to the debate regarding the existence of the Chronovisor. The believers considered the machine to be a window that allowed the user to view past events, but not to interact with them.
It did not help the argument that the Chronovisor was real when it was proven that the supposed photo of the crucifixion was a fake. Instead, the image that Father Brune had used to support his claims regarding the time travel machine was nothing but a reversed picture of a postcard.
Even though very few had seen the time travel machine themselves, they believed it to be true based on the picture that Father Ernetti had presented for the entire world to see. However, when doubts started arising relating to the authenticity of the image showing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the claims regarding the time machine also started getting weak.
While many want to believe in the claims that were made by Father Ernetti, their longevity was short-lived. Although he had presented a photograph to strengthen his claim about the existence of Chronovisor, the truth behind the image was gradually uncovered. It was later unraveled that the picture had not been taken using the Chronovisor, as previously claimed.
Although the authenticity of Chronovisor was questioned time and again since its existence was known, it succeeded in capturing the attention of most people. Even today, when the topic relating to Jesus’s crucifixion comes up, the claims made by Father Ernetti give rise to much debate and discussions.
Top Image: Is there a time machine called the Chronovisor hidden at the Vatican? Source: MiaStendal / Adobe Stock.
By Bipin Dimri